My Story
Hello, I am Kendra Lewis and I am an Independent Director with the Scentsy Family and have been since 2008, I sell all of the Scentsy Family Brands and this company is our Family Business. Scentsy is my full time job and I LOVE it, because I have this Scentsy business I am able to be there for my family. I have a husband (Christian) and a son (Matthew) who mean the world to me. One of my biggest goals that I want to always maintain with my Scentsy business is the ability to be here for the important moments and even the little moments, such as cooking for my family each day. Scentsy has been a great blessing to my family and I hope that I can pay that foward by helping to bless your family as well. Below is my Scentsy story: My Scentsy Journey started in October of 2008 when my Mother had told me about Scentsy. She told me that she had signed up to sell Scentsy, and I thought “oh great, another party plan company that she will do for a month or two and then quit!” On the day that her Scentsy starter kit arrived at her house I came over and her and I smelled all of the AMAZING scents over and over until our noses burned! I was overwhelmed with 80 scent testers, catalogs, and all of the kit contents that contained this new and exciting product that I had never seen before! I still remember going through and smelling the fragrances with her and the memories that they brought back for us. It was the Black Raspberry Vanilla scent that for sure had me hooked though! We were entertained and having a great time for hours smelling, laughing, and reminiscing over this simple yet amazing product! I knew that this company was something different! I remember telling my Mom that I was going to do this with her, and so our Journey began! We started off doing home shows and booth’s together, introducing a brand new product to our community! There were very few that we encountered that had ever heard of Scentsy! We thought that this business would be a fun Mother-Daughter activity for us. Little did we know that it would grow into a REAL business that would change our lives! In November of 2009 we had promoted to the rank of Director. That is when this business became real for me, I realized that this company was truly something special! In a year’s time we had promoted to just 2 ranks from the top, that is 6 ranks up the Scentsy ladder! I was amazed at how quickly we were able to build, promote, and earn a great income! In July of 2010 we attended our FIRST Scentsy convention and that is when I learned and experienced the heart and TRUE generosity of this company and the real people behind it! I was committed and “ALL IN” with Scentsy! As our business grew, we encountered road bumps that slowed us down along the way, because we were a Mother-Daughter team. My Mom and I love and trust Scentsy so much that we decided that for the future of our businesses we needed to split and each have our own Scentsy businesses. This was one of the hardest times for both of us, as we could not just split our whole team, one of us had to start over! We had no idea how or if we would be able to overcome this. My loving and generous Mother decided that she would be the one to drop off of our account and start over and join under me. So she did, she dropped off and started a new Scentsy business in January of 2012! My Mom has given me the GREATEST blessing and gift that any Mother could ever give her daughter. She introduced me to an amazing company that has changed my life, allowed me to jump on board and grow this business with her, and then let me grow it further from there! A business that will forever build, grow, and support my family! I owe my Mother everything for the amazing gift she has given me, this gift that will forever bless my life and my family’s life! Thank you so much for taking the time to read my Scentsy Story, it is one that I hold near to my heart as this business has truly changed my life! If you would like to know more about this business please contact me. Thank You & God Bless, Kendra Lewis Start - October 6th, 2008 Achieved Director - 11/2008 First Convention - 07/29/2010 Denver, Colorado ~ Intensity Second Convention - 8/03/2011 Fort Worth, Texas ~ Stampede 50th Team Member - 10/24/2011 Earned 1st Incentive trip on - 12/2011 First Spring Sprint - 2/11/2012 Omaha, Nebraska First Incentive Trip - 6/18/2012 (A 6 day all expenses paid, all inclusive trip to the Dominican Republic for my husband and I...Rockin' The Republic' 2012) Third Convention - 7/25/2012 Las Vegas, Nevada ~ Light Up Las Vegas Boot Camp Attendee - 10/17/2012 Meridian, Idaho Second Incentive Trip - 5/13/2013 (A 6 day all expenses paid, all inclusive trip to Costa Rica for my husband & I) Second Spring Sprint - 2/15/2013 Omaha, Nebraska Fourth Convention - 7/10/2013 Indianapolis, Indiana ~ Drive Indy Contact: Kendra Lewis Scentsy Director for Team Scent Above (660) 334-0632 kendralewis7@me.com